Govinda Nama sankeerthanam Govinda Govinda mp3 songs
Govinda Nama sankeerthanam Govinda Govinda mp3 songs

Sri Kalyanarama Bhagavathar did bhajans on the street merrily, despite the downpour. Despite the downpour, the hospitality offered to Bhagwan by the villagers with so much devotion showed their bhakthi. When the procession of Sri Premika Varadan started, it started raining heavily. This year, there were no rains till that day. The next day, due to Ekadasi, Bhagwan arrived at the village of Malaipattu in Garuda Vaahana (Eagle as a vehicle). In the night, our Sri Swamiji did the Divya Nama Sankeerthan. Bhagwan arrived on a Simha Vaahan (Lion as a vehicle). The next day was the Kalash Sthaapana and the beginning of Srimad Bhagavath Moola Parayana by Brahmasri Mallikaarjuna Somayaaji following the Sapthaha (7-day) rules. Sri Kalyanarama Bhagavathar did the Divyanama Sankeerthan that day.

Govinda Nama sankeerthanam Govinda Govinda mp3 songs

Everyone surrounded the cradle, singing and doing kummi (clapping of hands). Then the crawling Krishna was put on the cradle with the breaking of the pot and celebration of Nandotsav. The Avatara Chapter from Srimad Bhagavatham was read and everyone was given vardhaan. On the night of August 28th, Thirumanjanam was performed for Bhagwan. The Utsav was celebrated from the 26th of August to the 5th of September. Our Perumal’s (Sri Premika Varadan’s) 4th year Gokulashtami celebrations were held in Madhurapuri Ashram recently in a very splendid fashion. Jayanthi Janakiraman, from Madhuramurali magazine, Oct 1997 issue.

Govinda Nama sankeerthanam Govinda Govinda mp3 songs Govinda Nama sankeerthanam Govinda Govinda mp3 songs

These articles are translations from the series “Madhuramaana Mahaneeyar” that is published every month in Madhuramurali Tamil monthly magazine. This series chronicles sweet experiences recounted by the devotees of HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji as well as some divine experiences of Sri Swamiji himself.

Govinda Nama sankeerthanam Govinda Govinda mp3 songs